Frequently Asked Questions about Hide Folders XP |
This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Hide Folders XP and their
What is Hide Folders XP?
What system do I need to run Hide Folders XP?
How does it work?
What difference between Hide, Lock and Hide &
Lock protection modes?
Does Hide Folders XP change file system?
When I boot my PC from floppy my hidden folders appear. Why?
I heard that some applications can hide folders in realty
and the folders will be hidden in Dos session as well. Why don't you implement
a similar feature?
There is a similar built-in protection in Windows 2000/XP.
Has Hide Folders XP any benefits in compare with the operation system means?
Can I use NTFS built-in protection and Hide Folders XP
What will happen if someone removes the folder where Hide
Folders XP resides?
In Hide Folders Pro I was able to use hot keys to hide/unhide
folder. It looks like it is impossible in Hide Folders XP. Could I tune up Hide
Folders XP to work similar to Hide Folders for Windows 9x.
Your Hide Folders Pro for Windows 9x has a free version.
Do you have a free version of Hide Folders XP?
What is your upgrade policy?
What are the minor and major upgrades?
Hide Folders XP is a security tool to hide and lock your sensitive folder(s) out from the other users.
Hide Folders XP works on any PC running under Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
If you want to Hide Folders on a PC under Windows 9x or ME please try our Hide
Folders or Hide Folders Pro utilities.
Hide Folders XP intercepts file system operations and filters them. When filtering Hide Folders cancels any operations with folders you specified as hidden or locked.
Hide & Lock - The protected files or folders are not visible to
a user and it is not possible to access them.
Hide - the protected files or folders are not visible to a user, but
it is possible to access them. This may be helpful when you want to hide application
folders but allow to run the applications from these folders.
Lock - the protected files or folders are visible but not accessible.
It is similar to built-in protection of Windows NT-based operating systems on
NTFS volumes.
Not at all.
The folders appear because Hide Folders XP hides them only when it is loaded.
This feature requires meddling into file system. Running such low-level utilities like Norton Disk Doctor, Scandisk, etc. may damage hidden folders in this case.
Windows 2000/XP has a powerful built-in file system security subsystem. But you can set up access control policy only for NTFS volumes. Unfortunately it is not easy to specify access control policy in Windows XP Home edition. Moreover it is only possible to lock folders on NTFS volumes. With Hide Folders XP you may hide, lock and hide & lock folders on any volumes(FAT, FAT32, NTFS...).
Certainly, in this case even if someone penetrates into your computer (locally or from the net) with the administrative password s(he) will bump into Hide Folders XP protection.
Your secret folders will remain protected anyhow. But to access them you will need to install Hide Fodlers XP again.
You can do it with Hide Folders XP by using a certain options:
1. Assign all the hot keys in Settings/Hot Keys tab and make sure that they
don't conflict with the other hot keys of your system.
2. In Settings/General set Close window action to Minimize to tray.
3. Check all options of Settings/Startup tab.
Unfortunately Hide Folders XP is shareware and does not have a free version. But you have 30-days free trial period to make sure that you need or don't need this software.
Purchasing any version of Hide Folders XP you are entitled to free minor upgrades. There may be an additional fee for a major upgrade.
A minor upgrade is where the version number changes only after the first point
An example of a minor upgrade is from version 1.0 to 1.1.
A major upgrade is where the version number changes before the first point
An example of a major upgrade is from version 1.6 to 2.0.
Minor upgrades assume bugfixes, some functionality improvement.
Major upgrades assume great functionality improvement, lots of new features.
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